How To Apply
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- Indonesian citizen (WNI).
- The minimum age is 18 (eighteen) years and the maximum is 30 (thirty) years, for applicants with special qualifications the maximum is 45 (forty five) years, for applicants with the PKWT, contract system, and individuals the maximum is 60 (sixty) year.
- Do not have the status of husband or wife of a company employee.
- Not former employees of PT IAS Support Indonesia (Persero) or former employees of subsidiaries/affiliates of companies who were dismissed due to problems.
- Have the necessary education, skills or expertise.
- Physically, spiritually healthy and well behaved.
- Work experience.
- Specific skills/expertise.
- Absolute requirements and other necessary conditions related to the job position offered.
- Applicant registration can only be done by filling in data in accordance with this E-Recruitment procedure.
- Applicants are required to use a computer/laptop to register online.
- The minimum administrative requirements that must be attached are as follows: KTP, Family Card, NPWP, Diploma, Grade Transcript, Certificate (Non-Formal Education), License / STKP, Full Body Photo, 4x6 Photo Pass, Certificate of Not Being Married, Police Record Certificate (SKCK), Drug Free Letter, Color Blind Free Certificate, Eyesight Free Certificate, Contract Letter, Color Blind Free Letter.
- At each stage of the selection, the FAIL system applies. Only the best and qualified candidates are entitled to follow the next selection stage.
- Announcements of each selection stage will be included in the e-Recruitment site, negligence in not following the development of information is the responsibility of the participants.
- Only participants who pass each stage of the selection process will be called to follow the next process.
- All stages of the recruitment and selection process are free of charge in any form.
- All accommodation, transportation, administrative requirements, and personal expenses incurred by all participants during the recruitment and selection process are borne by the participants.
- The decision of the Recruitment and Selection Committee is absolute and cannot be contested.
- If in the future it is known that the applicant provides incorrect data / information, the Recruitment and Selection Committee has the right to cancel the applicant.
- Applicants must ignore parties who promise to help pass the selection process.
Notes :
- PT IAS Support Indonesia urges participants to be careful and be aware of fraudulent actions related to this matter.
- PT IAS Support Indonesia, does not make levies in any form, promising refunds for accommodation, transportation, consumption and so on.
- PT IAS Support Indonesia does not cooperate with travel agents or other parties to carry out the recruitment in question, either individuals or institutions.

PT IAS Support Indonesia provides airport related products and services to third parties in Indonesia.
PT IAS Support Indonesia
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Domestic Terminal 3 Building, 4th Floor, Tangerang
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